
Our tool is basically free to use and every user gets 1,000 tokens provided daily.

If you sign in you get 10.000 Tokens daily.

If you need even more power, you can upgrade to 150,000 tokens per day for only €2.99.
This upgrade is valid for 30 days and is easily paid via PayPal.

After executing a command, you will see how many tokens were needed.

ai search for all json files in the current folder and all subfolders

dir /s /b *.json

Tokens used: 43

Execute? y / n / t – type / c – clipboard / e – clipboard and execute

So, 43 tokens were used here.

With the free version, you can therefore carry out 20 – 30 queries per day. With the paid version, 200 – 300.

If you enter the description text exactly the same way again or another user has already entered it this way, then no tokens will be used. So, if you perform the same request again, “Tokens used” will be 0.

ai search for all json files in the current folder and all subfolders

dir /s /b *.json

Tokens used: 0

Execute? y / n / t – type / c – clipboard / e – clipboard and execute